It’s Chinese New Year this Friday.
On the new moon in Aquarius.
And I want to wish you a really healthy and love-filled year of the Ox.
With a little bit of downtime coming up….I felt inspired to you this week about….New Beginnings.
Who doesn’t love a new beginning? Especially after the last 12 months we’ve all faced!
If 2021 hasn’t started in the way that you’ve hoped, or you’re just ready to shake things up a little (even within the confines of lockdown), I want to invite you to step into a new beginning for yourself.
The truth is, you can actually choose to step into a new beginning at any point in your life, at any time.
It doesn’t have to be the start of the year. A New moon or even Chinese New Year. Heck, it doesn’t have to even be on a Monday.
You get to make a choice any which time that YOU choose.
Even now. Are you in?
Are you curious to know the #1 key to embracing a new beginning and having it actually stick so that you can make your dream life and career a reality?

Let’s dive into the key to embracing a new beginning that truly sticks.
What time is it where you’re at? Where are you reading this?
For me, it’s now 5:25 pm on a Monday.
And I’m choosing a new beginning for myself.
I’ll be honest, last weekend I was in a rut. Nothing seemed to shake the dark grey cloud that kept following me around.
For a bit of context: I’m in Hong Kong.
Schools are mostly closed (though my two primary school aged kids are going in once every 6 days). Most people including the government are working from home and restaurants are open (max tables for 2 pm) and no restaurant dining from 6 pm.
Despite the restrictions above, there has been the scope to mix things up and do things differently.
The truth is, I just haven’t been.
So I’m writing this post to you and reminding myself that we get to make a new choice at any time that we choose.
And I invite you to step into that new beginning for yourself. Right now if you’re ready to shake things up!
Many of the women I work with have really big hearts and really big aspirations to do meaningful work that’s beyond just a paycheck.
Meaningful aspirations that are beyond just going through the motions.
For the women I work with, they want to make an impact and give back to others while still being financially responsible and earn a good living.
Now it can be quite a challenge to cross that bridge, right?
We’ve been conditioned to believe that we can only achieve success in a linear way.
In my opinion, the two common ways are:
Option #1: Climb your way up the corporate ladder and go to the very top or
Option #2: Start a business and become a successful entrepreneur
The start-up scene in Hong Kong is so popular for that reason I believe.
These are two distinct paths that are definitely available to all of us.

But what’s most important is that you align to your true soul’s calling, your true soul’s purpose and your true soul gifts.
Now if you want to achieve an aligned career and you want to do the work that matters then you’ve got to start listening to yourself and actually stepping into that person who is successful.
You have to step into that women who is:
…..confident in her skin.
…..feels like she’s worthy of clients
…..feels like she’s worth of a good salary from her company
….sure that she’s deserving of the title
…..ready to receive all the things that you desire
I want you to think right now: what is your career goal?
Why is that important to you?
Who is that woman who has all of that?
Picture that woman in your mind’s eye and ask yourself these questions:

How would you be?
How would you act?
How would you speak?
How would you make decisions?
….if you were already that person.
I invite you to step into that woman now because when you want to embrace a new beginning you’ve actually got to embrace that person who believes she can have what she desires in order to get that next level.
So I invite you this week, with the beautiful Lunar New Year energy behind you, to step into that version of you.
It’s time to step into that version of you that has already achieved those goals of yours.
Think about that version of you who’s happy, who’s fulfilled, who’s content, who’s successful or whatever words feel right and true for you.
Start to embrace her today.
Because when you do that, you’re going to:
… in the opportunities
….make decisions that are smarter
….find your way back home to your soul aligned career.

Now before you go I really want to hear from you….
- What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to stepping into a career that’s really aligned to who you are but that also pays the bills?
- What thoughts come up for you?
Let me know in the comments below.
If you want to step into Your Soul Aligned Career and do meaningful work that you love, then come and check out my signature group program that guides you through this process step-by-step. You can read more about it over at:
I’d love to support you in your new beginning and Soul Aligned Career!
With love,
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