Finding Clarity

Living Your Soul Archetype: Interview with Ainslie Young

July 22, 2020

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Earlier this week I asked you all if there’s a difference between “work” you and “real” you.


I know back in my corporate days I had a work persona because I thought I had to be a “certain” way in order to be successful. 


I tried to be:


  • More confident than I was (hello imposter syndrome)
  • Involved in everything to add more value (hello way to many late nights and people pleasing)  
  • Communicate extra clearly(hello over analysis and the harsh inner critic)


When you have a work persona, it can be exhausting. Trying to succeed as someone you’re not just isn’t sustainable NOR pleasurable.


There’s a difference between improving and amplifying your natural gifts and talents vs. trying to be something you’re not in order to succeed.


Which is why I created the Soul Archetypes to bring you back home to who you really are.


Because you are unique, with a certain set of gifts, perspective and energy. 


I believe that when you can tap into this, you’re magnetic, more aligned and on purpose.

I believe that you are here for a reason. I created the Soul Archetypes to support you in coming back to yours.


If you haven’t already done so, you can take the Soul Archetype Quiz to discover yours. Simply click on the icon below to be taken to the free quiz.





Rather than talk you through the value of the Soul Archetypes and convince you on why you should take the quiz. So that you can begin reclaim who you REALLY are. I wanted to share with you an interview that I did yesterday with my dear friend and colleague Ainslie Young.


Ainslie took the quiz when it first launched and discovered that she’s the Healer.


Imagine of Siobhan interviewing Ainslie


I wanted to interview Ainslie to demonstrate what it’s like for someone who is living in alignment with her archetype and how it guides her in her life and her work. 


I find real life examples inspiring and I hope you do too. 


Spoiler alert: Ainslie is a fabulous Feminine Embodiment + Business Mentor and has an amazing body of work that you may want to learn more about (if you’re a creative + wellness practitioner, you’ll definitely want to make sure you check out the interview) and also sign up for her upcoming workshop called: WHY MARKETING DOESN’T WORK FOR SOULPRENEURS: How to Crack The Magnetic Marketing Code: Get Visible & Attract Your Ideal Clients Without Taking Away From Your Real Work. You can sign up here:


Whether you’re the Healer or not, you’ll see a beautiful example of what can happen when you align with who you REALLY are instead of your work persona 😉


Without further ado, let’s dive into: 


Living Your Soul Archetype: Interview with Ainslie Young

During the interview we discuss:


  • What a soul archetype is and why knowing yours matters
  • What the Healer Soul Archetype is
  • How Ainslie is using her archetype to steward her in her work and her life
  • How to work with both the gifts of the Healer Archetype as well as the challenges
  • Plus so much more! 


This interview is definitely one to savour, so grab a cuppa tea, get comfy and dive in!


If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or established entrepreneur and resonate with the qualities of compassion, generosity and alignment, Ainslie has lots of fabulous resources for you to dive into to support you in doing business differently. 


Here’s where you can find out more about Ainslie and her work:


đŸ‘©đŸ»â€đŸ’» She’s got an upcoming workshop for healers called WHY MARKETING DOESN’T WORK FOR SOULPRENEURS: 




đŸ’» Website:


đŸ‘Żâ€â™€ïž FB Group for creatives + wellness practitioners:


💃 Her signature Feminine Leadership Mastermind program:


Before you go, we’d love to hear from you:


What’s your #1 takeaway from the interview with Ainslie?


Share in the comments below. 


With love,




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