Career transitions can be messy.
When you’re changing jobs, switching industries, taking a sabbatical, deciding to start a business, pausing to raise a family….it can bring up a lot of stuff.
Questions like:
Who are you really?
Are you doing what you’re meant to be doing?
Is your next step really congruent with who you are?
Are you making the “right” choice?
Ultimately career transitions are about so much more than just your career. Transitions are about you, the woman. The individual.
Finding a new career that’s aligned to who you are and financially viable requires a unique combination of soul searching and decision making power.
This is exactly the work I love to do with my clients!
In this week’s blog, I wanted to share an interview I recently did with Jenna Ward, Founder of The School of Embodied Arts.

In the interview we talk about:
- Our journey’s into our own Soul Aligned Careers
- Whether there is one “perfect” thing you’re meant to do
- What your Soul Gift is and how to illuminate yours
- Discerning between staying in an “economically sound” job during these times or listening to your heart + body
- What to do if you’ve been putting off “making a decision” about an impending career change for too long
- Plus so much more!
Jenna herself is a beautiful example of a woman who has found her Soul Aligned Career and her own path, by trusting herself, her body and her inner wisdom.
I love this woman and her coaching certification. I use her teachings within the realm of Feminine Embodiment in my work with clients (+ also have the privilege of being a trainer at the school).
This is one of the benefits of pursuing your Soul Aligned Career, you meet amazing people along the way!
If you’re contemplating a career transition, in the middle of one or simply want to figure out how to step into your Soul Aligned Career, check out the interview.

If you want to make sense of your transition and/or map out what your Soul Aligned Career could be, come and join me for Sabbatical On the Side.
This online retreat is designed for professional women to step away from indecision and simply getting through the day to having the space and time to map out your soul aligned career.
We go live on Monday 10th – Friday 14th August. You can click the link below for more details:
I need a Sabbatical On The Side
With love,
P.S. In the interview with Jenna, we talk about honouring your Soul Gifts. If you don’t know yours, make sure you take the free quiz to get started!
P.P.S. I hope you’ll join me in Sabbatical On the Side where we go deeper into how you can navigate your potential career change or current transition. I’d love to support you to take a proper break and have the time and space to consider whether a career change is right for you and how to make a decision around your next steps.
P.P.S. If you’re curious about Feminine Embodiment Coaching for your own work, I highly recommend that you check out Jenna’s program. I took it back in 2018 and am now a trainer at her school. It’s a phenomenal body of work and I can’t recommend it enough!

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