Practical advice to support you with your career, business, money, beating burnout, creating life/work balance and getting it all done. 

I will support you to get unstuck and build the life and business of your dreams. 


Dr Bonnie Haden Cheng is an Organisational Psychologist, Associate Professor of Management and MBA programme director at the Hong Kong University Business school.

Bonnie is super passionate about corporate wellness and holds a unique position designing and implementing cutting edge, research backed solutions to help companies deliver impact on real world challenges to create awesome corporate cultures where people thrive.

Her research is dedicated to helping employees achieve and maintain wellbeing in the workplace. This includes understanding how and when workplace anxiety can enhance performance, recovering from daily job demands and maintaining proactivity in the workplace.

Bonnie’s body of work is really about bringing humanity back into the workplace. And so if you find that you can’t bring your humaneness to work, and you struggle with your mental health, your leadership style, and you’re not sure how to best show up at work, then this episode is for you.

In this week’s episode of The Aligned Achiever Podcast with Bonnie Cheng, Bonnie shares more about the return of kindness, why kindness matters, her journey to becoming an Organisational Psychologist, and focussing on a core purpose and passion to navigate your career journey.

Interview with Bonnie Hayden Cheng: Embracing Kind Leadership In the Workplace


Health and fitness matters…we all know that. Multiple studies speak to not just the physical benefits but the mental and emotional ones too. And yet finding the time and motivation to get healthy can be hard. Especially when you’re busy doing all the things at work and at home.

Personally, figuring out a routine to stay healthy and fit has been a journey. I’ve transitioned from team sports (netball) in my twenties and early thirties to needing to shift things up to do something else that fits in around my life with 3 kids and a business to run.

The answer for me was joining a female specific gym: Pherform (here in Hong Kong). My routine has become so much easier after joining a supportive gym environment, focusing on strength training and getting coaching to help me along the way. Not only do I feel physically strong, I feel the effects it’s had on my personal growth, self-awareness, confidence and habits in other areas of my life.

The woman behind Pherform is Steph Poelman.

Interview with Steph Poelman: How to Achieve Your Goals and Grow A Successful Business In the Fitness Industry


We’re not taught at school how to think about our careers, or even the importance of taking the time to get to know ourselves.

To me, this is a foundational skill that is overlooked until we’re out in the workforce feeling overwhelmed trying to balance our passion and what makes us feel connected alongside the practical components of our career, like financial stability.
This intersection is what I like to refer to as the career sweet spot.

The intersection between passion and practicality that works for you.

If you’re feeling disconnected in your current role, unsure of your next steps or if you feel like you’ve been self-sabotaging and making things harder than they need to be in your career and need a path to feel good again, I’ve got you covered.

In this week’s episode of The Aligned Achiever Podcast, I’m sharing with you the 6 core elements that are required for you to build a roadmap that directs you towards your unique career sweet spot and the 5 steps you can take to step out of the confusion and overwhelm and dealing with your inner critic.

Unveiling Your Career Sweet Spot: Mastering the Art of Passion and Practicality


Do you have a difficult boss? Or have you had one before?

A challenging relationship with your boss can lead to you questioning your career decisions or looking for a way out when you actually love your job and are really good at it.

It’s also one of the biggest challenges in the workplace that leads to burnout.

It’s not easy to be in the position of having a difficult boss whether it’s because they’re micromanaging, communicating poorly or highly critical and whilst you can’t control them or their behaviour there are things within your control that can make all the difference.

In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we explore questions to ask yourself and actionable that my clients implement to navigate the complexities of working with a difficult boss whilst preserving your well-being and career trajectory.

Identity Shifts: Unlocking Behaviour Change To Create the Life and Career You Want


Do you have a difficult boss? Or have you had one before?

A challenging relationship with your boss can lead to you questioning your career decisions or looking for a way out when you actually love your job and are really good at it.

It’s also one of the biggest challenges in the workplace that leads to burnout.

It’s not easy to be in the position of having a difficult boss whether it’s because they’re micromanaging, communicating poorly or highly critical and whilst you can’t control them or their behaviour there are things within your control that can make all the difference.

In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we explore questions to ask yourself and actionable that my clients implement to navigate the complexities of working with a difficult boss whilst preserving your well-being and career trajectory.

How to Navigate the Storm Using 3 Core Tools for Professional Success in Difficult Personal Seasons


People feel overwhelmed all the time.

We live in a busy, fast-paced environment. That’s just what the modern world is.

Being able to regulate our nervous system to support ourselves through stressful moments and life periods is an essential part of managing overwhelm and the burnout that can follow.

Both our mind and body play integral roles in navigating the world we live in, which is one of the reasons why I believe understanding the mind-body connection and the role energetics plays in our lives is so important.

In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring the stress and overwhelm that so many women struggle with, the mind-body connection and the lesser known ingredients for dealing with stress and overwhelm and navigating away from burnout.

The Missing Ingredient When It Comes to Managing Stress and Overwhelm

Ep 74. The Missing Ingredient When It Comes to Managing Stress and Overwhelm


How does Barbie relate to burnout?

Barbie is an iconic representation of the “ideal woman” in society.

She symbolises the unattainable perfection that we as women often strive to achieve and the limitless potential that we as women have.

Sounds empowering, right?

Barbie can do it all, and while that may seem empowering, the idea that doing it all is what will make you happy and worthwhile is so deeply ingrained in our culture that it places an immense burden on women to achieve the unattainable.

In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring how Barbie relates to burnout in the modern women, how this relates to you and the steps you can take to break free from the cycle of burnout.

What Barbie and Burnout Have To Do With Each Other (+ How They Impact You)

Ep 73. What Barbie and Burnout Have To Do With Each Other (+ How They Impact You)


When burnout is left unchecked, you eventually get to the point where you can’t continue on.

Hustle culture is so glorified.

The idea of doing more and saying yes to more is so ingrained in us as a society that we keep saying yes, and putting more on our plate until we physically, mentally and emotionally are unable to keep at that adrenaline filled pace.

There are subtle signs that you might be heading towards burnout, that when addressed in the earlier stages can keep you on the meaningful track where you want to be.
Whether that’s to keep at your career for the longer term in more sustainable ways or to be in a good headspace to plan your pivot, test out alternative ideas and make a decision on where to next.

In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring the 5 subtle signs that burnout is showing up in your life and why it is so incredibly important that you address these signs now rather than later.

The Subtle Signs of Burnout: 5 Indicators You Shouldn’t Ignore

72. The Subtle Signs of Burnout: 5 Indicators You Shouldn’t Ignore


There are a number of phases to creating a career you love.

A common theme amongst all the different seasons of your career journey is centering your well-being and ensuring that you’re moving forward without burning yourself out.

Each of us has skills and talents and gifts that we’re here to share, and because we’re swimming in a culture of hustle, it can take a toll on our health and make us feel like we’re falling behind.

In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m talking about how you can succeed in your own version of a purpose-driven career without it taking a toll on your emotional or physical health, your relationships or any other part of your life that is important to you.

How to Succeed in a Purpose-Driven Career Without the Burnout

Ep 71. How to Succeed in a Purpose-Driven Career Without the Burnout


Does the success in your career feel like golden handcuffs that are keeping you stuck?

We live in a culture that assumes that money is happiness, more is better, the higher up the ladder we climb, the better life will be.

Yes, money and financial security is needed, but I’ve spoken to a number of women who have incredibly successful careers, but they’re not happy.

It’s easy to get caught up in chasing success, but if it comes at the expense of our relationships, our values or what we truly desire to create in our lives, then it’s time to do a check in to see if it’s time for a reset and re-evaluation.

In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m talking about what to do when you have all the trappings of material success, perhaps a seven figure salary or a certain job title, but deep down you’re not happy, an the signs to look out for so you can know when it’s time to make a change.

6-figure salary and still feel deeply unhappy? Signs it’s time for a change.

Ep 70. 6-figure salary and still feel deeply unhappy? Signs it’s time for a change.





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