When we leave the minor stresses and challenges of life unchecked they can accumulate to a point where we make knee jerk decisions to our life or career or find ourselves in a health crisis.
The good news is that it takes time to get to the point of full blown burnout where you’re unable to weigh up decisions, see opportunities and find your mental and physical health deteriorating.
That means that by knowing the 12 stages of burnout and how you can identify where you’re at in those stages, you can take the steps you need to step away from the cycle before you make a decision that you may end up regretting.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring the 12 stages of burnout so you can identify the stage you’re in at any time and 3 steps that you can use to recover from burnout and get back on the life and career path that you want to be on.
In this Episode We Explore:
- What burnout is
- The 12 stages of burnout
- The 3 C’s of recovering from burnout
Resources Mentioned:
- McKinsey Study #1: The State of Burnout For Women In the Workplace
- McKinsey Study #2: Women In the Workplace Breaking Up to Breakthrough
- Scientific American Article: Burned Out June 2006
Masterclass: The 3 Secrets to Beat Burnout
Manage your stress, reclaim your time and feel energised to achieve the goals that actually matter to YOU.
On Tuesday September 12th I’m bringing you a one hour masterclass to help you get clear on identifying the phase of burnout you’re in and your next best step to take as well as the 3 secrets to beat burnout (that don’t involve bubble baths, crystals or a massage) and how you can build emotional resilience even when you feel like you’re hanging on by a thread.
You’ll walk away from our time together knowing where you can make progress now to beat the cycle of constant stress and busyness and start getting closer to your goals.
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