When we find extra on our plates, it’s easy to slip into survival mode.
When we’re in survival mode, we’re basically just making sure everything that needs to get done gets done.
You may have slipped into survival mode because you’ve been juggling kids on their summer holidays with your full workload, maybe you have a sick family member or someone who’s needed more of your support recently, or maybe you’ve just been saying yes a lot and now your plate is overflowing.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring the signs that you may have inadvertently slipped into survival mode and 3 questions to ask yourself to begin taking control of what it is that you’re ready to step into for the rest of 2023.
In this Episode We Explore:
- How you can know if you’re in survival mode
- 3 questions to ask yourself to help move out of survival mode
- Why you habits, structures and routines are important to overcoming survival mode
Resources Mentioned:
- Episode 21:The 3 Seasons of Your Career You Need to Know About Before You Strategise Your Next Step
- Episode 72: The Subtle Signs of Burnout: 5 Indicators You Shouldn’t Ignore
- Episode 74: The Missing Ingredient When It Comes to Managing Stress and Overwhelm
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
Non-Linear Movement Class
On August 29th I’m offering the first of my Non-Linear Movement Method classes.
Non-Linear Movement is a modality designed to connect you with your own internal landscape of emotions and feelings, which can support you to begin to smooth and soothe your nervous system.
This practice builds a stronger connection between your mind and body through bringing you out of your mind and into your body so you can meet your feelings (no matter what they are) and move through them.
Non-Linear Movement can be practiced by anyone, and I am offering this class online so anyone can join.
Market Research
I’m in the process of creating a new opportunity for you to be supported in addressing burnout, avoiding survival mode as your go-to so that you can thrive in your life and career. I am looking for 5 people to take part in market research.
If you’re open to taking 30 minutes out of your day to have a free, confidential call with me so that I can understand what it is you’re struggling with, so I can create a resource that is going to be incredibly supportive for the women in my community, I would be so grateful to hear from you below.
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