Career Clarity

The 3 Seasons of Your Career You Need to Know About Before You Strategise Your Next Step

March 6, 2022

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As we continue to live longer and longer, our careers are extending further and further out.


If our careers are spanning multiple decades it’s inevitable that we will go through seasons – much like the natural world does around us.


Knowing which season we’re in can be super helpful so that we can navigate the specific journey ahead of us as we move forward.


We’re constantly changing and evolving and this is a good thing.


Yes we want to have a plan and goals – but we equally want to flex and stay true to who we are evolving and maturing into so that we can meet our journey honestly and enjoy the journey along the way.


Identifying and working with the season of your career you’re in is something I do with my clients. I’ve seen it provide so much relief to know where you are and what the challenges, pitfalls are so that you can be ready for the path ahead. 


In this episode we unpack the 3 seasons in your career so that you can get clear on where you are in your life and make smart and empowered decisions on where to and what’s next for you.





In this Episode We Explore


  • What 3 seasons you can be in during your career


  • A debrief on the 3 different seasons including what the season is about, how to identify if this applies to you and the challenges of each season


  • We also unpacked how you always have one dominant season whether you realise it or not


  • How to identify which season you’re in to make empowered decisions on your next career step


  • An opportunity to book a complimentary career alignment call with me to unpack what season you’re in right now, what matters most and what you can do to move forward towards your career goals – as defined by YOU. You can book in over at:


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