Last Friday, I was going through my to-do’s and realised that one particular “thing” was being carried over for yet another week.
Truth be told this “thing” has been on my list for MONTHS. The reason: I honestly haven’t prioritised it.
Every week I say to myself: “I’ll get to it later….”
Yet deep down I DON’T get to it, because it’s complicated, messy, requires me facing some uncomfortable truths….and honestly my mind has put it into the “too hard” basket.
The short term payoff for not doing the thing, is that I don’t have to do it….and I’m pretty comfortable tolerating it not being done…..
But everytime I think of this “thing” I contract, I restrict. I feel bad. And my energy plummets.
Subconsciously, this project takes up energy. It feels draining and exhausting.
Finally, after many months, it’s getting to the point where I just have to decide that I’m going to prioritise “the thing” and just freaking do it.

Some to-do’s aren’t a big deal.
Others are really important…
The task / project of “figuring out more meaning and purpose” and answering the question of “how do I find a career that is right for me?” are important….
YET also complicated, messy and requires facing some uncomfortable truths.
As women, it can be too easy to push our own heartfelt desires for more meaning and purpose and to dump this into the “I’ll get to this later” basket.
We get so comfortable tolerating that things are OK (even if they’re secretly wearing us down…) that we push our own priorities down the list for yet another month, year and beyond.
For some of us…we keep doing this our whole lives.
For some of us…we reach a breaking point and finally have to pay attention to our purpose/career path.
For some of us….we say “hell no!” and proactively decide to do something about it.
No matter which camp you’re in…you’re in the right place. No point blaming, shaming or feeling bad. The real question is…
Where to from here?
Let’s dive into:

Why You’re Procrastinating On Your Next Soul Aligned Career Move + What To Do About It
Why You’re Procrastinating
Quite simply: your mind is associating safety and pleasure with staying in what you DO know. Even if it’s stressful, busy and perhaps even eating away at your soul just that little bit everyday.
Your mind’s job is to keep you safe.
Your heart’s job is to guide you to what’s true for you.
Part of the challenge with figuring out our soul aligned career paths and where we’re meant to go in our careers….is that our mind and heart are often at odds with each other.
This can look like…
Falling asleep on a Sunday night…reviewing and thinking about all the “things” you’ve got to do for the week ahead.
Then suddenly, in the quiet, you hear your heart and the quiet whispers of a different life and career…one where you’re in your zone of genius, doing work you love, meeting interesting people and getting paid to do it.
Your heart says: What if work could be fun and meaningful? Let’s be honest….you’re not happy here….
Your mind says: That’s all well and good but how could I earn a good living if I transition into something else now? I’m too [old / young / inexperienced / insert whatever block comes up for you here! ]
And so the tussel between our head and hearts goes on for yet another week….until weeks turn into months, and months turn into years….and in some cases, years turn into decades.
So what do you do about it?
The antidote to this is simple. Yet not necessarily easy 😉
The antidote is to:
DECIDE and make a CHOICE.
The core question / dilemma here is:
Are you going to stay wholeheartedly in the life and career you’re in? So that you can direct and channel the energy of the head/heart tussle into being fully present and engaged in what you have?
Are you going to explore “what else” or “what more” is out there for you? So that you can direct and channel the energy of the head/heart tussle into actually prioritising exploring your alternative options?
It’s really that simple.
Making choices and decisions, frees up our energy and allows us to take aligned action on what we say matters.
Plus we get clarity, feedback and answers that allow us to keep refining onto the best path that feels right and true based on the information that we have.
Without making the decision to “explore” or “not explore” our soul aligned careers….we stay in that half-in-half-out mode that keeps us feeling drained and exhausted and a victim to the circumstances around us.
The choice is yours…and if you don’t consciously make it…you’re subconsciously choosing to stay in the tussle which is draining and frustrating….

I’m really curious.
Before you go, I’d love to hear from you.
Leave a comment and let me know:
What choice have you been making so far?
What choice does your body want you to make?
What fears, thoughts or challenges pop up as you make your choice?
Feel free to share in the comments below.
If you want to know “how” to figure out what else or what more is there for you…
In my signature program: Finding Your Soul Aligned Career, you’re going to stop putting off the decision of “should I stay” or “should I go?”. Together we’ll explore the daunting question of “If it’s not this, what else is it?”
If you want more details, just send me an email at with a message: “I’m interested to hear more about Finding Your Soul Aligned Career” and I’ll share more.
Wishing you a beautiful week!
P.S. In my signature program: Finding Your Soul Aligned Career, you’re going to stop putting off the decision of “should I stay” or “should I go?”. Together we’ll explore the daunting question of “If it’s not this, what else is it?”
In the experience you’ll confidently decide which career direction you want to take all without getting to the point of burnout because you’ve left your own desires on the backburner for so long. AND without having to quit your job too soon, putting your financial future at risk.
Want all the details? Simply send me an email at with a message: “I’m interested to hear more about Finding Your Soul Aligned Career.”
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