Practical advice to support you with your career, business, money, beating burnout, creating life/work balance and getting it all done.
I will support you to get unstuck and build the life and business of your dreams.
Do you have a difficult boss? Or have you had one before?
A challenging relationship with your boss can lead to you questioning your career decisions or looking for a way out when you actually love your job and are really good at it.
It’s also one of the biggest challenges in the workplace that leads to burnout.
It’s not easy to be in the position of having a difficult boss whether it’s because they’re micromanaging, communicating poorly or highly critical and whilst you can’t control them or their behaviour there are things within your control that can make all the difference.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we explore questions to ask yourself and actionable that my clients implement to navigate the complexities of working with a difficult boss whilst preserving your well-being and career trajectory.
We’re officially into the final quarter of 2023.
How are your New Year’s Resolutions and goals holding up?
Do you still have a clear vision of your goals for this year?
It’s often at this point in the year that I have colleagues and clients come to me feeling as though they haven’t been able to get any traction on their goals and feel that they’ve let themselves down by not heading in the direction they intended this year.
If you’re feeling like this, this is for you.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we explore what you can do when you’re not where you want to be, specifically when you reach the 4th quarter of the year and your goals have slipped from your mind or that you’ve fallen off the bandwagon this year.
Is there a perfect career path for you?
Is there a right or wrong when it comes to choosing whether to persevere on your current path or quit and do something else?
After over 10 years of working with high achieving women, I’ve come to know that there is no right or wrong answer to navigating career pivots.
There is, however, a perceived “right” from the perspective of societal expectations of what is on your CV or what a prospective employer is looking for. So how do you know which path is the one for you to follow right now?
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we explore the very big question of: “Do I need to get more gritty and resilient OR is it time to throw in the towel and call it quits?” and how you can navigate this by knowing the 5 components of resilience.
If you want to make aligned decisions in your career, it requires you to be in the best headspace possible. To feel relaxed, at peace, and ultimately, in a state where you can make these big decisions.
For so many women though, they are chronically stressed, overwhelmed and burnt out, making it increasingly difficult to achieve our big goals and desires.
This is why it is so important that you know how to reclaim your energy and provide yourself with the capacity to be able to choose to go after what it is you desire.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we take a look at why it is so important that we address burnout both individually and as a society, and the 3 secrets to beating burnout and getting back on track in your career and your decision making.
Women are 32% more likely to experience burnout than men.
Female senior leaders are 60% more likely to provide emotional support to their teams, more likely to ensure the team’s workload is manageable and help their team navigate work life challenges.
Women who are climbing the corporate ladder, who are ambitious and driven, often end up considering downshifting their careers because they end up feeling like the odds are stacked against them.
For a lot of women, likeability and success go hand in hand, which can translate to not wanting to disappoint their team or managers and saying “yes” even when their plate is already overflowing.
Holding boundaries is often perceived as being difficult or hard to deal with, and underneath that I often see one of 4 things contributing to this difficulty in holding boundaries.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we take a look at these 4 things in greater depth.
It’s time to hit pause.
When we’re always planning our future and looking ahead to what’s next, it’s no wonder we end up stressed and hustling to get to the next stage in our career.
This constant state of being “on” and hustling to be more and more productive is not sustainable and inevitably leads to burnout.
Whilst there are stages of our careers and lives for growth and we often find ourselves doing a little extra when we’re in this stage, it’s important to also have times in our career where we’re not hustling and grinding so that we can avoid burnout.
And to take a minute to think strategically about how we can work smarter rather than harder to achieve our goals. This is where systems and structures come into play.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring how you can move beyond hustle to prevent burnout by building resilience and implementing smart habits and systems in your life that support your goals.
When we leave the minor stresses and challenges of life unchecked they can accumulate to a point where we make knee jerk decisions to our life or career or find ourselves in a health crisis.
The good news is that it takes time to get to the point of full blown burnout where you’re unable to weigh up decisions, see opportunities and find your mental and physical health deteriorating.
That means that by knowing the 12 stages of burnout and how you can identify where you’re at in those stages, you can take the steps you need to step away from the cycle before you make a decision that you may end up regretting.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring the 12 stages of burnout so you can identify the stage you’re in at any time and 3 steps that you can use to recover from burnout and get back on the life and career path that you want to be on.
When we find extra on our plates, it’s easy to slip into survival mode.
When we’re in survival mode, we’re basically just making sure everything that needs to get done gets done.
You may have slipped into survival mode because you’ve been juggling kids on their summer holidays with your full workload, maybe you have a sick family member or someone who’s needed more of your support recently, or maybe you’ve just been saying yes a lot and now your plate is overflowing.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring the signs that you may have inadvertently slipped into survival mode and 3 questions to ask yourself to begin taking control of what it is that you’re ready to step into for the rest of 2023.
People feel overwhelmed all the time.
We live in a busy, fast-paced environment. That’s just what the modern world is.
Being able to regulate our nervous system to support ourselves through stressful moments and life periods is an essential part of managing overwhelm and the burnout that can follow.
Both our mind and body play integral roles in navigating the world we live in, which is one of the reasons why I believe understanding the mind-body connection and the role energetics plays in our lives is so important.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring the stress and overwhelm that so many women struggle with, the mind-body connection and the lesser known ingredients for dealing with stress and overwhelm and navigating away from burnout.
How does Barbie relate to burnout?
Barbie is an iconic representation of the “ideal woman” in society.
She symbolises the unattainable perfection that we as women often strive to achieve and the limitless potential that we as women have.
Sounds empowering, right?
Barbie can do it all, and while that may seem empowering, the idea that doing it all is what will make you happy and worthwhile is so deeply ingrained in our culture that it places an immense burden on women to achieve the unattainable.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring how Barbie relates to burnout in the modern women, how this relates to you and the steps you can take to break free from the cycle of burnout.
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