Practical advice to support you with your career, business, money, beating burnout, creating life/work balance and getting it all done.
I will support you to get unstuck and build the life and business of your dreams.
When burnout is left unchecked, you eventually get to the point where you can’t continue on.
Hustle culture is so glorified.
The idea of doing more and saying yes to more is so ingrained in us as a society that we keep saying yes, and putting more on our plate until we physically, mentally and emotionally are unable to keep at that adrenaline filled pace.
There are subtle signs that you might be heading towards burnout, that when addressed in the earlier stages can keep you on the meaningful track where you want to be.
Whether that’s to keep at your career for the longer term in more sustainable ways or to be in a good headspace to plan your pivot, test out alternative ideas and make a decision on where to next.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re exploring the 5 subtle signs that burnout is showing up in your life and why it is so incredibly important that you address these signs now rather than later.
There are a number of phases to creating a career you love.
A common theme amongst all the different seasons of your career journey is centering your well-being and ensuring that you’re moving forward without burning yourself out.
Each of us has skills and talents and gifts that we’re here to share, and because we’re swimming in a culture of hustle, it can take a toll on our health and make us feel like we’re falling behind.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m talking about how you can succeed in your own version of a purpose-driven career without it taking a toll on your emotional or physical health, your relationships or any other part of your life that is important to you.
Does the success in your career feel like golden handcuffs that are keeping you stuck?
We live in a culture that assumes that money is happiness, more is better, the higher up the ladder we climb, the better life will be.
Yes, money and financial security is needed, but I’ve spoken to a number of women who have incredibly successful careers, but they’re not happy.
It’s easy to get caught up in chasing success, but if it comes at the expense of our relationships, our values or what we truly desire to create in our lives, then it’s time to do a check in to see if it’s time for a reset and re-evaluation.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m talking about what to do when you have all the trappings of material success, perhaps a seven figure salary or a certain job title, but deep down you’re not happy, an the signs to look out for so you can know when it’s time to make a change.
When is the right time to grit your teeth and continue on your career path?
More importantly, when should you listen to your inner compass and pivot and change in your career to move forward in the aligned direction for you?
There is a time for both, but the idea of simply ‘going with the flow’ comes with costs and consequences that aren’t often thought about when choosing which direction to follow, and in my experience staying in the same place is more often than not moving you backwards in your career.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m sharing with you the 3 hidden costs that come with ‘going with the flow’ in your career instead of making purposeful and intentional decisions and acknowledging when it’s time to make a career shift.
The middle of the year is a really good time to check in with yourself and see where you are.
Often, at the start of the year we set ourselves these goals and we have great intentions, but we forget to check in on how we’re going, or if they’re even still the right goals for us 6 months on.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m sharing with you 3 questions that you can ask yourself in your own mid-year review to make sure you’re on the right track for your career or your business.
If you feel like doing your own mid-year review is a daunting task, grab a pen and some paper and let’s walk through it together, and approach this review with a curious mind.
I want to see more women backing themselves and going after the career that they want for themselves. Women exactly like you.
Women with emotional intelligence, empathy and a nurturing and caring approach to leadership to be compassionate, powerful leaders.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m talking about why it’s important to me that my work empowers women and results in more women taking their seat at the table, in leadership positions and how I can support you to become the confident, empowered leader that you know you can be.
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘success’?
Success is a word that holds so much power in society. Perhaps you associate it with achievement, job status, a luxurious lifestyle, an overflowing bank account, living in a specific location, having your own business, the list is endless. Have you thought about what “success” really means to you?
When we think of success it’s easy to find ourselves constantly comparing our journey to others, measuring our worth on superficial indicators, but is that the true meaning of success?
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast we’re peeling back the layers and exploring the reality of what success is beyond the superficial perceptions. I’m taking a look at 6 myths of success and the differences between the perception and reality of having a successful career.
What we believe to be true actualises and eventuates.
Having worked with women from all over the world as a coach and mentor, I have come across 4 key mindset challenges that come up time and time again with the women I work with. These mindset challenges stop them from taking the next step, asking for the pay raise or promotion, and taking up space.
If you feel like you could be playing a bigger game in your career, whether that’s going for more in your career or refocusing on the goals that really matter to you and if you want to move forward with momentum, then this podcast episode is for you.
In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m talking about the 4 mindset challenges that I’ve seen keep women playing small regardless of how experienced they are and the subconscious work you can do to overcome your mindset challenges and become the Untamed CEO of your own life.
Do you love it when people share their lessons learned and mistakes they’ve made when navigating their own career journey?
This is something that I’ve personally found really helpful when navigating a career pivot.
So I want to offer you the same opportunity by sharing my story. Not because I’m perfect, but because I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way.
I share them with you in today’s episode so that you can benefit from what I wish I knew to help guide your own career 180 and transition. In this episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m talking about my career journey and making the decision to leave real estate to landing in coaching where I am today and the 3 lessons that I want you to take away from my career change.
I’ve been reflecting recently on my own career journey, and also what’s been going on for my clients and the stage of their careers that they’re in.
The idea of changing things up and flipping things on their head is in the air for a lot of people right now. This could be for personal reasons driven by a change in values or circumstances, or even something externally driven like a change in the organisation or a redundancy where you’re having to change and adapt .In today’s episode of The Aligned Achiever podcast I’m talking about the five signs that it might be time for a career 180 so that you can begin to get on the front foot and be proactive about the situation that you’re in.
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