Practical advice to support you with your career, business, money, beating burnout, creating life/work balance and getting it all done. 

I will support you to get unstuck and build the life and business of your dreams. 


Have you ever wanted to change a pattern of behaviour? And asked yourself the question…How do I change this?

There are three processes that are involved in behaviour change regardless of what behaviour you are changing.

Maybe you want to speak up more in meetings, maybe you’re procrastinating on going to the gym or eating well, maybe you’re a people pleaser in the workplace and it really bugs you.

In today’s episode of the podcast I’m exploring the number one area to focus on in order to change a pattern of behaviour that’s something you would like to change.

The #1 Area to Focus on to Stop Holding Yourself Back


Your Achievement Style drives your decision making, fuels your career life and helps you live your most inspired and aligned life.

We often think that knowing what’s right for us should be simple, but along the journey of life, we get taught that what we think or feel is “wrong” or bad and so our wires get crossed and we start to doubt ourselves and stop listening to our intuition.

In today’s episode of the podcast I’m diving into each of the 6 Achievement Styles in greater depth so you can use your achievement style as a tool to support you where you are in your life right now to understand what it is that motivates you and to make aligned decisions.

The 6 Achievement Styles Debunked


The motivation behind renaming the podcast to The Aligned Achiever last year came from a lifelong fascination I have of trying to understand what makes people tick.

Whilst there are things we can learn and do in the realm of productivity and efficiency to get things done, deep down we’re all motivated in different ways…and different strategies work for different people.

We’re individuals, we’re unique and applying cookie cutter formulas for “success” doesn’t work.

In today’s episode of the podcast I share with you how you can begin to navigate and build your career based on your Achievement Style and gain an insight into the way you are motivated and how you operate so that you can work with yourself instead of making things harder than they need to be.
In today’s episode we’re talking about what to do when you know that something is ok or “good enough”, but something feels off and isn’t quite right for you.

In today’s episode of the podcast I share with you a 3 step framework to think about how to approach the question of “Am I in the right place?” because pretending like everything is OK and just grinding harder isn’t the best course of action.

How to Navigate and Build Your Career Based on Your Achievement Style


Around this time of year when bonuses are being paid out it can be a natural opportunity to reflect on whether things are going well or if it’s time to move on to the next thing.

In today’s episode we’re talking about what to do when you know that something is ok or “good enough”, but something feels off and isn’t quite right for you.

In today’s episode of the podcast I share with you a 3 step framework to think about how to approach the question of “Am I in the right place?” because pretending like everything is OK and just grinding harder isn’t the best course of action.

What To Do When Things Are Good Enough But Something Feels Off


If you’ve had a slow start to 2023 and haven’t found your energy yet, or haven’t picked up momentum since the holidays I’ve got your back.

In today’s episode we’re talking about a simple anchor to guide your 2023 especially when life happens.

In this episode we’re focusing on how you can stay focused with your goals and take action on what’s important for you this year even if life throws curveballs your way.
In today’s episode we’re talking about a simple anchor to guide your 2023 especially when life happens.

In this episode we’re focusing on how you can stay focused with your goals and take action on what’s important for you this year even if life throws curveballs your way.

A Simple Anchor To Guide Your 2023


Today we’re diving into a step by step guide to planning your 2023 for more meaning and less burnout.

This is the last episode of The Aligned Achiever for 2022 and I wanted to make sure that you had something to work with as you go into the holiday period.

In this episode I’m guiding you through an A to Z of how you can break down your 2023 planning into tangible projects and goals, and how to make sure that you’re doing the things that matter and not burning yourself out.

A Step By Step Guide to Planning Your 2023 for More Meaning + Less Burnout


I can’t believe we’re in December already! It always surprises me how fast time goes and how slowly it can go at the same time.

So often we are focused on setting new goals, and what we need to do to move forward, but to be honest, one of the most effective things we can do is reflect on what has been working and what hasn’t and use that as fuel to change things up if needed or hit the reset button.

In this episode, I share some of my reflections on what my top five life and career lessons have been from 2022 to support you with coming up with what some of your lessons might have been.

My Top 5 Life + Career Lessons from 2022


We all know that achieving for “achieving sake” isn’t fulfilling. It can keep us on the hamster-wheel of DOING and keep us feeling like our achievements are NEVER ENOUGH.

Cue: the desire for more meaning and purpose….

When we talk about meaning and purpose though, it can feel really fluffy and a bit ethereal.

But there are things that we can do to work more purpose into our projects and to say yes to initiatives that make us feel purposeful. Which begs the question….

What’s the difference between High Achievement versus Aligned Achievement?

In this episode I share the difference between these two types of achievement and why I want to support you in coming over to the aligned achiever camp, to bring more balance, fun and lightness to what you’re doing.

High Achievement vs. Aligned Achievement: What’s The Difference?


If you’re listening to this in November 2022 or months after, it is my intention to help you get clear on how you can map out the right goals for you.

We live in a culture that is hell bent on productivity and sometimes when you stay on that track without stopping to question if you’re working hard towards the right goals, you can wake up wondering “Where did I go wrong?”, “Am I on the right path?”.

In this episode we’re answering the question: How do you get on the right track and get clear on your career trajectory in 2023?

On The Right Track: How To Get Clear On Your Career Trajectory For 2023 and Create Meaningful Momentum Without Burnout

Intuitive Clarity

I am so excited to be coming to you with a refresh, revamp, and reinvention.

Reinvention is really the theme of today’s podcast.

In this episode we’re going to be diving into the 5 signs that it’s your time for a reinvention, and a little backstory on why I decided to revamp the podcast.

5 Signs It’s Time For a Reinvention (+ Why I’m Revamping the Podcast)





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